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Dejah Adkins

Missing since November 5, 2014 from Vincennes, Indiana.

Dejah Adkins went missing on November 5, 2014. She was last in the vicinty on her way to work at Zip and Sip, 6th and Manila in Vincennes, Indiana. Dejah is 16 years of age, was currently living in a foster home. Lonnie Bond, her grandmother, brought her disappearance up to our attention alittle over a week ago. Since then Lonnie has passed away not knowing where Dejah is. Dejah is 5'6, weight may vary from 126 to 155, brownish/blonde hair, she may or may not have a nose piercing, and she has blue eyes.  Dejah maybe in the company of a person from not around Knox County.  Reports have been sketchy as to where she maybe. We are asking the public if you see Dejah Adkins or know where she is contact the Vincennes Police (812)882-1630 or your local law enforcement agency. Her family and friends are wanting her home.

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